Representative Cases
- Plaintiff employee claimed she was sexually harassed, mostly outside of the workplace, but claimed it was still work-related. Defendant employer claimed the alleged interactions were consensual and not work-related. After the alleged harasser was terminated, plaintiff employee was mistreated by other employees, and shortly after she complained, Plaintiff employee was terminated.
- Claims involving wrongful termination and sexual harassment settled in a case where a chef was fired immediately after bringing a claim of sexual harassment to human resources.
- Employee at supermarket claimed wrongful termination based on age. Employer claimed termination was due to poor work performance. Plaintiff claimed the explanation was pretextual, as he had years of positive performance evaluations.
- Student in apprenticeship program claimed religious discrimination for refusal of the employer to give time off for religious observance and meetings.
- Employee claimed wrongful termination due to pregnancy; employer claimed termination was due to poor work performance.
- Employee claimed wrongful termination against County agency based on religious discrimination. Employee refused to participate in County events for religious reasons, and claimed supervisor’s testimony was not credible.
- Two female restaurant employees claimed sex harassment by supervisor and co-employees based on improper physical contact and language. Employees claimed supervisor and another employee would pin Plaintiffs between them in a “Mexican sandwich”.
- Black manager of a restaurant chain claimed wrongfully terminated in retaliation for his reporting same-sex harassment and unfair sharing of tips. Plaintiff claimed he lost his income, home and marriage.
- Middle-Eastern employee claimed wrongful termination by national chain store based on her national origin
- Wage and hour and national origin harassment brought by nanny against wealthy couple. Plaintiff claimed that she worked uncompensated hours, and that harassing comments were made by the couple and their children.
- Plaintiff mechanic claimed he was replaced by younger employee because Plaintiff was getting older and slowing down; employer denied doing so and claimed to employ numerous other employees at least as old as Plaintiff
- PAGA case brought by route sales manager against employer who provided safety and sanitation products to its customers. Plaintiff claimed that the employer improperly calculated overtime due on a nondiscretionary bonus
- Wrongful termination by high school band leader based on religious discrimination. Band leader declined to perform the national anthem based on sincerely held religious beliefs.
- Part time astronomy teacher claimed age discrimination when the full-time course became available, and the position was given to the younger, far less-qualified younger applicant.
- Plaintiff was an editor for an internet news site. When a news personality closely associated with the defendant made a racially insensitive comment on television, Plaintiff claimed that Defendant did not adequately respond to it, and led an employee outcry. Plaintiff was terminated shortly thereafter. Defendant denied having an improper motive, and claimed that the selection of content editors was an exercise of its right to free speech.
- Therapist sued employer at detox and residential services facility for wrongful termination in retaliation for her complaining about illegal practices and mistreatment of patients. Defendant employer denied the allegations and claimed that it never fired her, and that she was a serial litigant who made similar claims against a previous employer.
- Employee at market sued for wrongful termination, claiming he was terminated because he was gay.
- Vietnamese-American county employee claimed harassment and discrimination by supervisor who bragged about killing Vietnamese people during the Vietnam war, and gave him poor job positions based on his abilities.
- Plaintiff claimed disability discrimination due to employer’s failure to accommodate her rheumatoid arthritis. Defendant claimed it terminated Plaintiff because of her bullying and unprofessional conduct, including name calling, mocking of elderly customers, and grabbing employees by the arm.